Hi Debbie. Here’s a cute picture of Hershey this week. He is such a good boy. He has slept through the night from the very beginning. He’s only had two or three accidents in the house and it was always when we weren’t paying attention. Our fault! He already knows how to come sit and lie down on command for food. We are so happy with him.
Hope you’re well,

At least three times I said ‘I should call Debbie’ but someone corrected me ‘it’s Sunday night she doesn’t want strangers calling’ …etc
Rusty (I won’t be bragging about having some unique, imaginative or innovative name …but it’s tough to get 7 people to agree on anything!) is doing great!!!
We are totally amazed at how smart he is. Within 3 days he will come when called by name (indoors every time, outdoors is too scent exciting so not quite 100% success) and all of us are as amazed as our neighbours and friends.
We are too “soft” to have him sleep alone downstairs. Each night , Michael or I take him to have his crate beside our bed on the floor with the crate open and his doggy bed. He can choose. He has NEVER had an accident at night even now that he could relieve himself out of his crate. he whimpers when he has to go and he makes it thru the night now.
For myself and Michael who are doing most of the training, he sits on command and ALWAYS sits at our feet when we say come.
He has had very few indoor accidents because, as I say, his adult dogs trained him well. If you just keep an eye on him, you can easily sense that he is kind of looking for the doggy door …and you just get him out quickly and he’s good. Some might say that means he has us trained but I don’t think so.
To me, that is remarkable discipline for such immature bladder control!
My husband is calling me the dog whisperer as I never use negative reinforcement but I say Rusty is so smart and easy to train!!
He is sleeping across my feet right now and loves to nap under my office chair.
He is smothered in love and attention! … And not a day goes by that frank doesn’t say to me: “you did a great job-you got us a perfect dog.”
I just want to say that you, Debbie, were a big part of making the right decision an easy one. We just love him and he seems to have adopted us too.
Thank you for trusting us with Rusty.

Hi Debbie
We called the puppy Aussie. He is doing awesome! Aussie has definitely become a member of our family. He is a very affectionate little fellow and he has learned a lot in a week. Our golden Belle really likes Aussie. Aussie and our cat Angel ( orange tabby ) play and sleep together as if they are siblings. I will send you some great photos of Aussie before the end of the week.
Take Care!

Hershey is amazing and continues to be incredibly loving and such a good boy. Everyone who meets him falls in love with him! He weights about 22 lbs. He is having his check up at the vet’s this week, but has had no problems of any kind. He is an incredible runner and jumper. We take him to the park most days and let him off leash. He always comes back when called.

Hi Debbie, How are you? I figured it was about time to send you an update on Mr. Cooper. He has been the most amazing addition to our family. He is very loving, loves all people and other dogs. He is super chill for a puppy , which has been great for us. Though when he was continuously waking up around 5:30 a.m. I wasn’t thinking he was that chill. He’s now sleeping in to a much more reasonable time.
We tend to go for walks every morning (which he definitley looks forward to) and he insists that we play most of the rest of the time. He spent a great summer at the cottage (see attached photo) where he was able to roam a little more free. He wouldn’t go into the water to swim but would at least go down to the lake to take a drink. It’s been a bit of an adjustment this fall with the kids back at school, and me out of the house for a few hours at a time. But he’s slowly making that transition.
I hope all is well with you. Thanks again for Cooper….. Jenn

Hi Debbie!
Just wanted to send a note about our Lily. She is so awesome! Great little addition to our “furkid” family.
Scotch just loves her! And the kitties can tolerate her too. LOL
You have been such a great help in raising her and as a breeder to breeder, fantastic source of info! Always ready to help and answer any question I have. Thank you so much for introducing us to this great little breed. Though we are not new to the “labradoodle”, the “hybrid” version is even better! Yes her coat has turned white and she looks like a Bichon, but she’s ALL doodle. Love this little cuddler!

It was so nice to hear from you. I have been meaning to contact you to let you know how thankful I am to have met you. Firstly, Aussie has been an amazing addition to our family. He is so loving and very smart. He was so easy to train. However, I owe a lot to Belle because she is the one who trained him. I notice some of Belle’s characteristics in Aussie. He is a sweet, gentle dog like Belle was.
Secondly, I am so grateful that you mentioned to me when we picke up Aussie the amazing effects turmeric can have on tumours. I started giving Belle turmeric the day after I met you. It had an amazing effect on Belle. She had a wonderful summer and fall. She lived months longer than the vets had predicted. Aussie and Belle were able to spend so much time together. We all feel that it was a little miracle to have this bonus time with Belle. Thank you so much for my sweet little Aussie and for giving me such amazing advice about the wonderful effects of tumeric. Without your advice we would have lost Belle much sooner. I really appreciate it. Jaci